Another fairly high pain morning, probably due to the need for some x-rays to make sure everything in the chest was clear and ok. The x-Rays were more precautionary to check for continued healthy lungs. The visit from the doctors confirmed that we just need to keep on her breathing exercises to ensure we don't get pneumonia. Later in the morning we learned that PT and the nurses would be helping Jen get washed up, which all made us clench our teeth in terror. That much movement and shifting did not seem like it was going to be pleasant.
Amazingly, it went better than anticipated, with the use of a body sling Jen was able to be almost immobile snd got a nice hair washing and scrub. We also got to brush her teeth, apply some lip balm and just take care of some of those general things that can make a body feel just the littest bit better.
Quite a few visitors came by, which was so lovely and appreciated. We do happily invite anyone to come visit but do caution that Jen's ability to stay awake for very long is very limited and she does need to sleep/ doze much of the day. It is so great for her to see her friends and loved ones. We are sure it lifts her spirits and also breaks up mundane days where she is stuck with just the nurses and us!
Jen is eating VERY small amounts of food, but is drinking liquids like a champ- which is great. Unfortunately, we have to start thinking about bowel movements, which is a sign of progress, but also one of those cringe worthy items that just looms in our heads as being really painful. Any movement is enough to really take her for a loop.
Most of the days pain was managed with oral pain meds, with just a few IV doses when things got too bad. Jen mentioned she feels like she can move her one good arm a bit better today and we were able to squeeze in some of her light PT activities as request by the doctors.
Later in the day, after an IV pain killer, Jen was able to sleep solid for about three hours before we forced some jello and more pain pills into her. She is back to sleep soundly and will hopefully have a nice long night of deep sleep.
We may find out a bit more about next steps tomorrow, but we are in no rush to change a lot of what we have right now since she is fairly comfortable and we have finally gotten a bit familiar with the floor and hospital. The extent of the injuries certainly means a very extended recovery timeframe, but the path forward and timeframe is still a bit uncertain at this point.
If you care to visit, we are at St. Als in the central wing. If you'd like to know if it is a good time to come by, please feel free to text Andrea at (208)4843829.