Monday, December 29, 2014

Some Pictures

Wyatt as Captain America with "Grams"

Ava brought her new dolly that grams got her to keep her company on Christmas

An empty bed means Jen got in a Wheelchair!


My hope you all had a very Merry Christmas spending time with family and loved ones. We spent the day marveling at our blessings, and how incredibly grateful we are that Jen is here and surrounded by such a great support network.

As mentioned briefly, Jen was transitioned to a rehabilitation care facility on the 24th. The actual move was very tough and involved a lot of unwanted movement and pain. The staff at Riverview Rehab were great and worked to get her comfortable as quickly as they possibly could. We were truly the talk of the facility that day-- Jen's injuries really know how to cause a stir!

Jen's daughters and grand-kids were in town and we all spent some time together on Christmas opening presents and having the grand-kids show off their new toys. To Jen's delight, there wasn't any PT or OT on Christmas day and it was largely a day of rest and keeping the pain at bay.

On Friday the 26th, PT got her sitting up on the edge of the bed like we had done a few times in St. Als. It was a bit easier (still painful) and she was able to sit for about 10-15 minutes. After PT & OT sessions, there always seems to be a flare up of pain, so we are eagerly awaiting for that to get a bit better so the sessions don't seem so unpleasant.

We had a few rough nights over the weekend and had to do a lot of work in the mornings/early afternoon to re-position and work with the nurses on meds to get the pain under control. During one PT sessions this weekend Jen was able to get helped into a wheel chair and got to get out of bed for the first time since the accident. I am sure it felt good to sit upright and to also get a quick tour of the facility. Being out of bed also meant some clean sheets and a quick sponge bath (with a really neat shower cap that washes and shampoos hair!).

Jen has been eating a bit more each day. She is supposed to consume a higher calorie level to support healing and development of bone growth/rebuild so we are all making sure she eats as much as she can. The pastries seem to be a favorite as Jen has really taken a liking to the pie, cakes and cookies that they bring.

Each day shows very small improvements, and Jen continues to keep her spirits high. She is very realistic that there are days that she will feel good, and days were muscles will be tight and sore and PT may not go as well. She does show a bit more range of motion in PT sessions, and is also being coached on breathing through the pain which seems to be helping with PT sessions.

Visitors are always welcome. Please note that if she is scheduled for PT, the sessions typically do not take too long and you are more than welcome to wait in the lobby or library area near the front doors. The doors are open from 8am-5pm M-F; if you do need the door code or have any questions on good times to visit- please feel free to call or text Andrea at (208)484-3829.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Latest Update

We are behind on posting since the last few days have very busy. We are no longer at St. Als as of 12/24 at 1:30pm. We can be found at Riverview Rehabilitation off Americana.

3550 Americana Ter
Boise, ID  83706
United States

Due to the move we do ask that visitors refrain from visiting until tomorrow. Jen will need to get settled and rest the remainder of the day

Sunday, December 21, 2014


Another fairly high pain morning, probably due to the need for some x-rays to make sure everything in the chest was clear and ok. The x-Rays were more precautionary to check for continued healthy lungs. The visit from the doctors confirmed that we just need to keep on her breathing exercises to ensure we don't get pneumonia. Later in the morning we learned that PT and the nurses would be helping Jen get washed up, which all made us clench our teeth in terror. That much movement and shifting did not seem like it was going to be pleasant.

Amazingly, it went better than anticipated, with the use of a body sling Jen was able to be almost immobile snd got a nice hair washing and scrub. We also got to brush her teeth, apply some lip balm and just take care of some of those general things that can make a body feel just the littest bit better.

Quite a few visitors came by, which was so lovely and appreciated. We do happily invite anyone to come visit but do caution that Jen's ability to stay awake for very long is very limited and she does need to sleep/ doze much of the day. It is so great for her to see her friends and loved ones. We are sure it lifts her spirits and also breaks up mundane days where she is stuck with just the nurses and us!

Jen is eating VERY small amounts of food, but is drinking liquids like a champ- which is great. Unfortunately, we have to start thinking about bowel movements, which is a sign of progress, but also one of those cringe worthy items that just looms in our heads as being really painful. Any movement is enough to really take her for a loop.

Most of the days pain was managed with oral pain meds, with just a few IV doses when things got too bad. Jen mentioned she feels like she can move her one good arm a bit better today and we were able to squeeze in some of her light PT activities as request by the doctors.

Later in the day, after an IV pain killer, Jen was able to sleep solid for about three hours before we forced some jello and more pain pills into her. She is back to sleep soundly and will hopefully have a nice long night of deep sleep.

We may find out a bit more about next steps tomorrow, but we are in no rush to change a lot of what we have right now since she is fairly comfortable and we have finally gotten a bit familiar with the floor and hospital. The extent  of the injuries certainly means a very extended recovery timeframe, but the path forward and timeframe is still a bit uncertain at this point.

If you care to visit, we are at St. Als in the central wing. If you'd like to know if it is a good time to come by, please feel free to text Andrea at (208)4843829.


Jen had a decent nights sleep, the nurse we had last night had to laugh at home she got the pillows and things strewn about in the bed....hopefully a good sign of restful sleep!

It took awhile to get the pain under control this morning, but finally things calmed down and she snuck in a little sleep was before getting moved to a regular patient room in mid-morning. 

We were relocated to a regular patient room and quickly settled by the nurses and introduced to the new line of caregivers. Thankfully, the amount of noise, beeps and sleep interruptions are fairly minimal and the overall environment is a bit more serene and peaceful.

Shortly after getting settled, Jen's first real meal was delivered. She ate a small portion but real, solid food was a great step forward. A turkey sandwich, grapes and some milk was the first meal post accident.

We also had a visit from PT/physical Therapists, and it was fairly painful and torturous (and that wa just watching, so we are fairly sure it was really painful as the patient). With the nature of the injuries (the broken pelvis and leg) she has been listed as a non weight bearing patient, so it will be awhile before she is able to try to stand or put weight on her legs.

After the PT session, all the movement kind of jostled the achy bones and we had to get some IV painkillers in addition to the oral ones we've graduated too. With the help of a nurse we also moved some pillows around (we've hopefully found the optimal pillow situation for comfort now) and we eventually got the pain managed again.

Dinner came a bit later, pasta primavera, and we turned on a bit of TV. Jen is eating really small portions but we've still managed to avoid nausea or any vomiting which is fantastic. Luckily we didn't have any more xrays or items that required movement, so she did get to sleep unitterupted for awhile.

Things seemed to have gone ok last night. We were back early in the morning today (12/21) and pain levels are decent and we had a doctor come in to just give us a minor update (reasons for a chest X-ray and some vague info on next steps after the hospital).

A funny item to share is that while the dog (Kimber, their Goldendoodle) is really missing her "mom", she lucked out as a breadstick leftover was snuck home for her. She was one thrilled pup!

Saturday, December 20, 2014

12/18 &12/19

To start at the beginning, Jeni had a very bad fall in the garage at our house in the afternoon on 12/18. While the accident was very bad, it could have been much worse and we know so many things that could have gone wrong, were amazingly avoided. We also were incredibly fortunate to have the swift assistance of a UPS delivery driver ( We will hopefully be able to share about him later), but he was truly in the right place at the right time.

We were sent to St. Alphonsus due to the nature of her injuries and they swiftly began extensive X-rays, tests, stitches and all other immediate care items. Our initial nurse was incredibly kind and sympathetic and did everything she could to keep Jeni comfortable until we could be transferred to the ICU. 

We were admitted to the ICU floor in the evening on 12/18, and luckily set off on many doses of heavy painkillers. Surgery and follow up items were discussed for the next day and luckily the nurses were able to get Jeni comfortable enough to sleep a good portion of the night.

We received some updates on her injuries: a large cut on her head (luckily no brain damage,issues or swelling), a severely fractured lower leg, multiple breaks in her pelvis and a chipped/fractured shoulder. Finding comfortable positions was certainly an issue!

Later that evening one of our main doctors/surgeons called to let us know that they would be operating on Jeni's leg in the morning.

In the morning on 12/19 Jeni was taken to surgery prep and underwent a 1-1.5 hour surgery to piece together her fibula and tibia that had taken the brunt of the fall and were in many pieces. A steel rod was inserted to stabilize and align the bones and overall the surgeon was please with the outcome.

Most of the day was taken up with managing pain, sleeping and being poked and prodded once we were released from surgery and taken back to ICU. 

The best news came in the evening after more X-rays and CT scan, we had been cleared for clear liquids (Jeni was thrilled! She thought we'd taken her out to the Sahara Desert!) and a visit from the surgeon check in the leg and confirmation of things looking good.

Luckily, one of our best nurses yet was introduced for the night shift and was able to quickly get pain meds, sleep position and other items ironed out so Jen was able to drift to sleep.


Over the past few days our family has received such an outpouring of love & support from all our of our loved ones, friends and family. We are blessed to have such wonderful people in our lives and appreciate all of your well wishes, thoughts and prayers.

We wanted to set up something to keep people informed and updated on Jeni's healing progress. Please check here for updates as this will be our primary way to share information and updates on Jeni's recuperation.

Thank you again for your love and support,

Jeni, Fred, Nicole & Andrea