Sunday, December 21, 2014


Jen had a decent nights sleep, the nurse we had last night had to laugh at home she got the pillows and things strewn about in the bed....hopefully a good sign of restful sleep!

It took awhile to get the pain under control this morning, but finally things calmed down and she snuck in a little sleep was before getting moved to a regular patient room in mid-morning. 

We were relocated to a regular patient room and quickly settled by the nurses and introduced to the new line of caregivers. Thankfully, the amount of noise, beeps and sleep interruptions are fairly minimal and the overall environment is a bit more serene and peaceful.

Shortly after getting settled, Jen's first real meal was delivered. She ate a small portion but real, solid food was a great step forward. A turkey sandwich, grapes and some milk was the first meal post accident.

We also had a visit from PT/physical Therapists, and it was fairly painful and torturous (and that wa just watching, so we are fairly sure it was really painful as the patient). With the nature of the injuries (the broken pelvis and leg) she has been listed as a non weight bearing patient, so it will be awhile before she is able to try to stand or put weight on her legs.

After the PT session, all the movement kind of jostled the achy bones and we had to get some IV painkillers in addition to the oral ones we've graduated too. With the help of a nurse we also moved some pillows around (we've hopefully found the optimal pillow situation for comfort now) and we eventually got the pain managed again.

Dinner came a bit later, pasta primavera, and we turned on a bit of TV. Jen is eating really small portions but we've still managed to avoid nausea or any vomiting which is fantastic. Luckily we didn't have any more xrays or items that required movement, so she did get to sleep unitterupted for awhile.

Things seemed to have gone ok last night. We were back early in the morning today (12/21) and pain levels are decent and we had a doctor come in to just give us a minor update (reasons for a chest X-ray and some vague info on next steps after the hospital).

A funny item to share is that while the dog (Kimber, their Goldendoodle) is really missing her "mom", she lucked out as a breadstick leftover was snuck home for her. She was one thrilled pup!

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